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Ngoedruptse Dzong, Chhukha, Bhutan. An economically leading dzongkhag with cohesive society, vibrant culture, sound environment and balanced development. Provide conducive environment for diversified economic activities and for the well being of people in the dzongkhag. 4th Dzongkhag Tshogdu of 2nd LG. As Nation commemorates the glorious 38th birth anniversary of His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck, Chhukha D.
Philanthropischer Verein zur aktiven Entwicklungshilfe im. Den Menschen im Himalaja-Königreich Bhutan, einem der ärmsten Entwicklungsländer der Welt, bei Gesundheit, Erziehung von blinden und hörgeschädigten Kindern sowie zum Erhalt des kulturellen Erbes. Bdquo; Pro Bhutan e. Raquo; Kurzvorstellung der Projekte mit Kosten als PDF.
Sites You May Like To Visit. Integrity Action Plan Task Force. Quotation call for Central Schools. Letter of Intent to Award. Contact Numbers of DEOs and Principals, 2017. Detailed Reports of 3 Day Consultative Report, RDTC, Zhemgang. Letter of Intent to Award. Letter of intent to Award. Contact Numbers of DEOs and Principals, 2017.
Sarpan Tar, Sarpang, Bhutan. A Dyanmic commercial hub with sustainable rural economy and green environment with undying culture and tradition. 1To ensure sustainable rural livelihood of the people with access to all basic amenities and prompt service. 2Ensure balanced economic advancement with sustainable green environment. 3Focus on developing Dzongkhag into commercial hub. 4Preserve and promote cultural heritage and strengthen social harmony.
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